الشيماء الاعدادية - ادارة النزهة التعليمية

عزيزى الزائر رجاءا تفضل بتسجيل اسمك وكلمة المرور الخاصة بك للتواصل

انضم إلى المنتدى ، فالأمر سريع وسهل

الشيماء الاعدادية - ادارة النزهة التعليمية

عزيزى الزائر رجاءا تفضل بتسجيل اسمك وكلمة المرور الخاصة بك للتواصل

الشيماء الاعدادية - ادارة النزهة التعليمية

هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.
الشيماء الاعدادية - ادارة النزهة التعليمية

منارة العلم والتكنولوجيا- الشيماء الاعدادية - ادارة النزهة

ألف مبروك لحصول المدرسة(القسم الإعدادى) على شهادة الإعتماد و الجودة وعقبال القسم الثانوى إن شاء الله
فى مدرستنا
كُل يوم
سيعقد إمتحان منتصف الترم يوم الثلاثاء الموافق 15 11 2011
يسُر المدرسة أن تعلن عن فتح فصول محو الأمية بدون مقابل
فعلى الراغبين والراغبات المبادرة بتسجيل الاسم لدى الاخصائية الاجتماعية
قائد مجال المشاركة {أ / هبة نور}

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التبادل الاعلاني

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التبادل الاعلاني


لقد نسيت كلمة السر

    Exercise 2

    Roully Fadel
    Roully Fadel
    مشرفة اللغة الانجليزية
    مشرفة اللغة الانجليزية

    عدد المساهمات : 426
    نقاط : 952
    الرتبة : 10
    تاريخ التسجيل : 04/01/2010
    الموقع : مشرفة اللغة الانجليزية

    Exercise 2 Empty Exercise 2

    مُساهمة من طرف Roully Fadel الجمعة يناير 08, 2010 3:18 pm

    Al Shimaa Prep. School for Girls 3rd Prep.
    Exercise 2
    A- Language Functions

    1. Finish the following dialogue between two sisters at home:-

    Mona: - I'm tired of studying.

    Amira:- I feel tired and hungry too.---------------------------(1)------------------?

    Mona:- Why don't we take a short break and have something to eat?

    Amira:- That's a good idea. Let's------------------------(2 ) --------from Pizza Hut.

    Mona:- ------------------------------- (3 ) ------------------------?

    Amira:- I'd like to have cheese pizza and salad.

    Mona:- Me too.

    Amira:- Ok. I'll phone Pizza Hut.

    2. Write what you would say in each of the following situations:-

    1. You are a waiter in a restaurant. You spill some soup on the table of a guest.

    2. You saw someone crossing the street without looking left or right.

    3. Your sister is going to get married.

    4. Your friend smokes. Advise him.
    B- Reading Comprehension

    3. Read and match:-


    1. We can communicate

    2. Another word for "get away"

    3. The good news made me

    4. Paralympic games have sports like

    5. Would you mind waiting a minute?

    a. feel very happy. ( )

    b. swimming and athletics. ( )

    c. is "grab". ( )

    d. Not at all. ( )

    e. is escape ( )

    f. with people in other country. ( )

    4. Read the following then answer the questions:-

    Sandwiches which are eaten by millions of people all over the world were invented in 1762 by Earl of Sandwich. The Earl was playing cards with his friends when he became hungry. As he didn't want to stop playing, his servant has put cheese and meat between two pieces of bread, so that the Earl could eat with one hand and play with the other.

    When the food was served and the Earl's friends saw it, they liked the idea and soon all of them asked for it for their meals. In the 21st century, there are few places where sandwiches are not enjoyed by many people.

    A) Answer the following questions:-

    1. How did the servant make sandwiches?

    2. What happened after the servant had served the food?

    3. How many people eat sandwiches nowadays?

    B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:-

    4. Sandwiches were invented in----------------.

    a) 1862 b) 1762 c) 1764 d) 1766

    5. The Earl was playing --------------.

    a) chess b) backgammon c) cards d) computer games

    6. The underlined word them in the last paragraph refers to -------------

    a) the Earl's friends b) sandwiches

    c) million of people d) servants
    C- Usage and writing

    5. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:-

    1. The player------------two goals.

    a) hit b) scored c) had d) has

    2. I'm going to fly to Luxor next week; I'll go there by--------------

    a) plane b) train c) bus d) car

    3. The teacher said to the class, "Could I ask you----------------more quietly, please."

    a) to work b) work c) working d) worked

    4. In 1930s many-----------------were made to aircraft.

    a) imports b) images c) improvements d) exports

    5. -------------you ever met Dr. Ahmed Zewail?

    a) Had b) Did c) Have d)Has

    6. You'd be able to do well if you------------------.

    a) relaxed b) relax c) have relaxed d) 'll relax

    7. ----------------Mr. Sherif lost the money, but I'm not sure.

    a) Sure b) Of course c) Perhaps d) Certainly

    8. "---------------" means to break into small pieces.

    a) Grab b) Rush c) Smash d) Recover

    6. Read and correct the underlined words:-

    1. Ranya Elwany is a very good swimming .

    2. He is busy do his homework.

    3. Please to meet you.

    4. He's so tall as his father.

    7. Write a letter to your friend Hany to tell him about the present your uncle brought to you.:-

    Your name is Magdy and you live at 16, Sheraton, Street, Heliopolis.

    Use the following points:-

    - Start the letter.

    - Ask your friend how he is.

    - Tell him about the present you received from your uncle and how you liked it.

    - Finish the letter in a friendly way.

    D- The Reader

    9. A) Answer One question only:-

    1. How were the Lava rocks round them?

    2. What was Axel's dream?

    B) Complete the One only to make meaningful sentences:-

    1.There was plenty of air in the cave and Axel could feel--------------------------------------------

    2.The clouds covered the sun for -----------------------------------------------.

    Good Luck

      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو السبت أبريل 27, 2024 6:12 am